12 May 2008

Confusing siege - 11 May 2008

*Disclaimer* This post is only understood by L2SEA - Aria server players.

The siege on last Sunday is the most confusing siege I have taken part so far. My clan assisted an unlikely ex-foe - Legionaires which are filled with our old nemesis players. We fought against an alliance that is pro Astro and friends (a group of pinoy players disliked by the rest of the server) and in turn they are assisted by our fellow alliance allies.....

Veyr confusing siege indeed. Of course, Dio lost the siege as it was a futile struggle. However, all in all, it was fun PVPing our friends. The orignal plan for Ascendance was to attack only Endless players and not our allies. In the end, it was so confusing that it was a free for all.

Humm....I wonder what will happen to the clan politics in Aria. It will definitely be an interesting development going on. Anyway, irregardless, it will be filled with all the PVP fun.

1 comment:

Rob Sanchez said...

Whoa! A free-for-all? Yeah, methinks that this will surely affect all alliances whether pro or anti-Astro.

Good luck to you guys.